Message of President

Dr Abhinav Purohit

MBBS MD(Physiology) President

Message of President

The role of pre and para clinical subjects and people of these branches has been remarkable in the development of modern medical science, but misnomers like “non clinical” have been prefixed with them. But actually none of the subject of medical science is “non clinical” nor the study of these subjects can be separated from clinical knowledge and it’s correlations. Gone are the days when the doctors were symbolic with a person surrounded by crowd of patients with stethoscopes around neck and an injection in the hand. Today’s pre and paraclinical specialists are involved in a wide range of activities and contributing actively to the development of medical scieences. With the development of medical sciences earlier clinical sciences or pre and para clinical sciences developed too and number of doctors specialization in these branches has increased at enormous rate.

​AIPCMA is fast developing its networks of members who help to ensure that we are representing the voices of medical teachers /experts /consultants/ scientists and post graduates students whom we represent.

As a president of this unique organization I offer my very best compliment and well-wishes to the faculty, consultants, experts , scientists and students who are having a greater impact on the public’s health and wellness more than ever before.

Long live AIPCMA
Abhinav Purohit

Message of Secretary

Dr Anoop Singh Gurgar

MBBS MD(Anatomy) Secretary General

Message of Secretary

Its my privilege to welcome you at All India Pre and Para clinical medicos association.. In the common journey for advancement of pre and para clinical or earlier clinical sciences it is not only what we do for current generation but what we aspire to do and where we want take our future.

AIPCMA has been established to provide leadership and raising voice for medical doctors in pre and para clinical specialties. Since its inception we have achieved several milestones, we achieved success in sensitization of regulatory bodies, recruitment authorities and our own colleagues regarding various issues and challenges faced by our members. We have made several representations to Medical Council of India and recognizing the leadership of our organization MCI executive committee for the first time made a historical decision to stop recruitment of non-medical teachers in medical institutions within a period of 3 years.

Listening and valuing the contributions and approaches of our valuable members are critical to us. I urge you to join these efforts. You will find AIPCMA membership professionally and personally rewarding, as we channel our energies in a positive direction
We want to make a difference. We strive to help, to have an impact on quality of medical education. We want to make the lives of others better by use of our training and skills we have learnt as a specialist of our field.

I call upon all medical teachers, consultants, scientists, doctors and post graduates students working in medical education, diagnostic services, medical research and clinical services to join this unique organization and join to empower yourself and to make a difference

Long live AIPCMA
Anoop Singh Gurjar

Message of Vice President

Dr C M Kamaal

MBBS DCH MD(Pharmacology) Vice President

Message of Vice President

As a part of health care or during the course of illness every common man deserve and need the care by highly trained and a competent medical doctor. Any attempt to compromise the quality of medical education and training can be a matter of serious concern. For training a competent medical doctor the importance of training in pre and para clinical specialties can not be denied. The recent introduction of clinical based teaching or ATCOM module and patient exposure right from the beginning is also a welcome step by Medical Council of India to produce a competent doctor.

At AIPCMA we are committed to to strive for raising the standard of medical education to the highest level. Since its inception AIPCMA has taken several steps to sensitize the medical community to acknowledge the importance of pre and paraclinical spacialities.

Thoughtful deliberation, interaction, meetings, discussions with govt agencies and regulatory bodies like are some of the activities of AIPCMA to adress its goals. We are fortunate to get the assistance of other organizations of medical doctors like lndian Mediacl Association lats years to achieve our goals. We have achieved success to meet, share our knowledge, expertise and of course above all strengthen the knots unity among the professional colleagues working as medical teachers, consultants, experts and specialists in various institutions

Lets work together under this common platform and take pre and paraclinical specialties to the newer horizons of success

​Long live AIPCMA
C M Kamaal